For many people, alcohol is the main reason why their desired weight loss results are not achieved.


Ethyl alcohol, which is found in alcoholic beverages, has a high-calorie content.
1 gr. ethyl alcohol contains 7 calories.
The stronger the drink, the more high-calorie it is. Drinks with a strength of about 40% (vodka, gin, whiskey, etc.) contain 220-230 kcal. per 100 gr. In 100 gr. Dry wine – about 80 kcal. In sweet wine, there are 2 times more calories than in dry wine, in Bailey’s liqueur – 330 kcal. per 100 ml.

  1. Many alcoholic beverages contain sugar: liqueurs, sweet wines. Those, in addition to calories, they contain carbohydrates.
  2. Alcohol lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen levels. This happens for several reasons:
    1) The number of proteins that bind testosterone increases.
    2) Accelerates the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
    2) Beer contains phytoestrogens, which also lead to a decrease in testosterone.
    Testosterone levels in overweight people are already so low that they trigger further obesity.
  3. Alcohol inhibits fat burning. Reduces the process of fat oxidation in the body. Also, under the influence of alcohol, your appetite may increase, which will lead to overeating and fat formation.
    The body is designed in such a way that it is the energy due to alcoholic intake that it processes in the first place. And if this energy is sufficient to cover energy needs (your daily calorie intake), then all the rest of the extra energy (calories) from food will go to the reserve – meaning to fat deposits.

📍 If there is little time for losing weight, it is better to give up alcohol altogether (during the diet)
📍 If you are in no hurry to lose weight and are ready for the fact that the weight can rise for some time, you can drink 1-2 glasses of dry wine (strength 7-11%)

📌 The principle of drinking alcohol is the same as with “snacks” – to include in your daily calorie intake.

📌 If you are planning to skip a few drinks on the weekend and minimize the impact, follow these simple tips:
1) Increase the amount of protein in your diet throughout the day.
2) Cut back on carbs to keep enough free calories for the alcoholic drink.
3) Increase your water intake.


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